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How Our Online Grader can Improve your Business

Online grader

The competition for business is fierce. Today more than ever it is being wage online. If you are interested in growing your business, ONLINE Grader can help answer these questions. Do you have a competitive online presence? Do you have enough traffic to your website to see results? Are you converting this traffic at a high enough conversion rate? Are you winning online? Are you even in the game? Using an Online Grader will answer these questions with enough specific details that you can improve your business. Just as athletes measure themselves to improve their times. You need to measure your online productivity to improve your business and move closer to the top, so you can hit your goals.

When you are measuring your business online, you want to be able to track your results over a period of time. You also want to measure yourself against your top competitors. To be able to analyze and measure your digital productivity. The fact that your website is the center of your digital business. You need to start there. Is your website capable of delivering better results week after week, month after month? Or is it static? Built at one time and left alone hoping your customers and potential customer will find it.

What we like to measure when analyzing a company’s online marketing prowess.

As I stated above, you want to start with your website. These indicators will give you a good pulse on how your site is measuring up.

  • Traffic rank – Compare your sites traffic rank with other sites on the internet.
  • Indexed pages – The number of pages your website has had indexed by the most popular search engines.
  • Linking Domains – The number of domains currently linking to your site.
  • moz Rank – A measure of link authority and popularity.
  • Analytics – Do you have analytics set up to measure your sites productivity?

These indicator will give you a basis on the digital structure and productivity of you website. You then should measure the effectiveness and your ability to market your business online. What we like to measure on a consistent basis is.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) – is your site optimized for the most popular search engines. With:
    • Good linking authority
    • Page titles
    • Alt tags to your images
    • Unique page descriptions
    • Keyword analysis
  • Social media marketing – are you present on the different social media platforms? Does your website visitors have the ability to share your info
    • Your reach
    • Ability to publish and share content
  • Lead generation – Do you have clear conversion path set. Do you have the ability to measure the results and optimize from the data you have gathered?
    • Motivating call-to-actions
    • Landing pages
    • Smart forms
    • Analytics for A/B testing
  • Blogging – The generation of fresh content and information to produce a steady stream of pages and visitors to your website has a dramatic effect on your online productivity.
    • Blog set up
    • RSS feed
    • Link from homepage
    • Social sharing buttons
    • Social subscription
    • E-mail subscription
    • Activity
  • Mobile ready – is your website and content optimized for mobile? The majority of web searches are done with mobile devises today. Are you in position to take advantage of this?


Website Grader

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